The top 5 strategies for building your network marketing business
Note that while each of these strategies will have great impact, the best way to grow your network marketing business is to apply all of them.
These are the best ways to turn your business into an effective one and start producing fast results.
Network Marketing Strategy #1 – Daily income producing activities
The first and most important step is to make sure you’re doing income producing activities on a daily basis. We often find ourselves busy, but not really productive. Yes, there’s a lot to do when building a business, and it’s easy to get caught up in things, but we must prioritize!
The reality is that the only things that take our business forward are getting new customers for our products and recruiting new business partners, and that means our income producing activities are prospecting, inviting, and following-up.That’s it! Everything else is secondary and can be done by others or via a tool.
Set a goal for the number of people you are going to talk to each day about your business and products and have that be the first and most important thing you do each day. Follow-up with those you’ve spoken to already. Then if there’s time, you can engage in all those other things.
Network Marketing Strategy #2 – Talk to more people
Yeah, I know, Captain Obvious! However, there’s a lot of network marketers out there that talk to one or two people per week, and then say the business isn’t working.
The reality is, if you don’t prospect at least 2 or 3 people a day, and that’s on a super part-time basis, then you’re the one that’s not working, not the business. Double or triple the amount of people you’re talking to right now, and you’ll see your results double or triple as well.
When you have an infinite amount of free leads, and you know how to approach them, this strategy becomes super easy to implement. So make sure you download my training program, Infinite Leads, and you’ll never run out of leads again! You can get it for FREE by just entering your name and email below.
Network Marketing Strategy #3 – Say less to more people
You know how, when you ask the superstars in our profession how they got their results so fast, they always say that they spoke to 20 or 30 people a day? That’s because they’re saying less to more people. It takes them only one or two minutes to talk to each prospect.
You’ll never see a professional network marketer trying to convince prospects or giving details. What the professional understands is that our job is to simply sort through people in order to find out which ones are open to hearing more about a product or business that can solve their problems, and to put those people in front of the information. That’s it.
You’re there just to invite them to take a look, not to give the details yourself. It’s the CD, the webinar, the presenter at the local business meeting that gives the details. Any extra questions they might have will be answered in the follow-up, if they are really interested. Remember, we don’t have time to waste!
Network Marketing Strategy #4 – Talk to the right people
It’s true that you should never prejudge people when prospecting, however, if you had a choice, wouldn’t you rather talk to the people who are most likely to join your business and use your products? Well, you do have a choice. It’s called target marketing, or defining your target market, and it’s a basic concept of marketing.
I won’t spend a lot of time on this, since it’s covered in detail in my Infinite Leads program.
Network Marketing Strategy #5 – Have a fast start training system
When new people join your team they have no idea what to do, so it’s up to you to guide them. It’s imperative that you have a training system in place that shows every newcomer the exact first steps to take. Keep it clear and simple, because if your new team members are confused about what they should do and don’t believe they can do it, they’ll just find excuses not to. If you want a fast growing business you need a fast growing team and the best way to motivate people is to help them see results fast.
The best way to motivate people is to help them see results fast Share on XYou want to show them how to make their top prospects list, a number of different approaches for business and products, what links to send people or how to get them to a meeting, what’s required to qualify for the first rank in the compensation plan and how to reach it as fast as possible. After they do, they’ll be able to teach their new team members how to do it as well.
Every serious network marketing team has a fast start system so if you’re not using one, ask your upline about it. You need it! 🙂
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PS: If you’re struggling or just want more out of your business, here are my 7 Sources Of Infinite Leads. Get FREE Access Here –> INFINITE LEADS
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